Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy

Dry Needling

Dry Needling

Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic Therapy


We provide complete pain relief and injury rehabilitation services for all types of patients. You will work closely with your therapist throughout the course of your therapy and the relationship that forms will provide you with the confidence and course of treatment that is needed for you to get the most out of your sessions. If pain or injury limit your participation or enjoyment in life, physical therapy can be a viable option that can make a real and lasting difference.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy generally refers to specific hands-on techniques including mobilization of the joints or soft tissues for the purpose of reducing pain, increasing range of motion, reducing inflammation, inducing relaxation, improving tissue repair, facilitating movement and improving function. Techniques also include myofascial release, myofascial trigger point techniques and dry needling.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a skilled intervention that uses a fan filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscular and connective tissues for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement impairment. It is a technique used to treat dysfunction in skeletal muscle, fascia and connective tissue, and to diminish persistent peripheral nociceptive input, and reduce/restore impairment in body structure and function. Eddie and Joshua are Integrative Dry Needling certified.

Aquatic Therapy

Water exercise has some unique advantages. It utilizes hydrostatic pressure to support your body and allow for a greater capacity for exercise tolerance and at the same time provide constant resistance to movement. Water has a number of benefits that will speed recovery, boost your muscle performance and help to reduce acute and chronic pain. Our pool is state-of-the-art and provides a great environment for patients of all ages and abilities.

Parkinson Disease (PD) Program

PD training program is implemented to facilitate the maintenance and recovery of functional movement in patients. Patients who have PD gradually begin to lose flexibility, strength, balance, and functional motion of the limbs and trunk. There are a few aspects of PD training that all work together to improve overall functional mobility. Flexibility and strength training is important in helping to improve muscle lengthening and stability for better support of the body. Balance training is important in improving the body’s ability to navigate the environment safely.  Reciprocal training is used to promote smooth and rhythmic movement patterns of the body for more efficient functional movement, and Amplitude training is used to help promote large exaggerated movements in order to avoid the common small and shuffling movements typically seen in patients with PD.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)

PNF is a form of neuromuscular training to help recover functional use of the trunk or extremities, typically after a stroke, Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), or TBI. PNF uses a combination of stretches, contractions and relaxations movements through functional patterns to allow for motor response and improve neuromuscular control (the brain telling the body what to do and how to do it). This is beneficial for patients who need to learn how to walk or perform activities of daily living.

Prescriptive Therapeutic Exercise

Prescriptive Therapeutic Exercise

Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology Taping

Balance Training

Balance Training

Prescriptive Therapeutic Exercise

A primary goal of physical therapy is to return control to the patient for ongoing improvement and performance. This will include an exercise program customized just for you. Exercises are used to accomplish a multitude of positive changes including improvements in strength, stability, flexibility, stamina, balance and overall mobility.

Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology taping is designed to facilitate your body‘s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting range of motion.  It provides extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered here in the clinic.

Gait/Balance Training

Gait and Balance training is implemented in Physical Therapy to help improve functional and safe ambulation in individuals with various conditions that may be impeding their gait. Conditions that can affect an individual’s gait and balance including, but are not limited to, muscle and joint injuries (pain, stiffness), general weakness, coordination deficits, Parkinson Disease, ataxia, vision and hearing deficits, vestibular issues, vertigo/dizziness, Strokes, Traumatic Brain Injuries, etcetera. Gait and balance training can have 1 of 2 goals:  1) To recover normal functional ambulation for safe walking and mobility, or 2) To train the body through necessary compensations to allow for functional movement despite a chronic condition/injury that no longer has the potential for improvement. This may also include the use of adaptive devices such as walkers, canes, rollators, etc.

Cerebral Vascular Attack (Stroke) Recovery

Strokes, and sometimes mini strokes, can cause mild-severe paralysis of the arms and legs (typically seen on just one side of the body). This can really affect the functional mobility of an individual. Stroke rehab is implemented initially after an incident to maintain flexibility and tone of the muscles and joints before regaining voluntary movement. Once voluntary movement is initiated, Physical Therapy is used to help restore gross and fine motor skills, such as walking, transfers, and ADLs (dressing, bathing, cooking, cleaning, etc…) Traumatic Brain injuries can cause similar damage to the physical body, allowing for similarities in rehab for strokes and TBIs.


Therapy following mastectomy, lumpectomy or reconstruction helps to alleviate pain and swelling, prevent scar tissue, increase upper extremity range of motion, strength and flexibility, restore an upright posture and return to performance of daily activities such as reaching or lifting.

Spine/Posture Re-ed

Spine/Posture Re-ed

Post Surgery

Post Surgery

Muscle Strengthening

Muscle Strengthening

Spine/Postural Re-ed

Spine rehab is used to help improve pain, stability and flexibility of the spine (including the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine) through exercise, soft tissue and deep tissue massage, spine mobilization/manipulation and distraction/traction. Exercise is beneficial in improving flexibility and strength of the spine and surrounding musculature and re-educating posture to promote proper alignment of the vertebrae and safe and functional body mechanics. Manual Techniques are used to aide in mobilization of the vertebrae and surrounding soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments) when proper mobility is lacking. Distraction/traction of the spine will decompress the joints of the spine to alleviate pain, including pain traveling down the arms or legs, caused by arthritis or disc herniations.


Post surgical physical therapy diminishes pain, swelling and inflammation and restores strength, range of motion and flexibility for return to maximum function.

Muscle Strengthening

Strength, as you know, is paramount in our ability to function in our own environment. Sometimes due to other health problems, aging or lack of opportunity/activity, our bodies get weak and we don’t realize it until we lose a portion of our function. A strengthening program can get you back on track. We will identify your weaknesses, progress you on a program that will return a good balance of strength and flexibility, and provide a solid foundation to continue independently with a more active lifestyle. A good strengthening program today can prevent a fall or other problem that can potentially start you on a downward spiral.


Pre-surgical physical therapy serves to prepare your body for surgery and for rehab post-surgery. It generally addresses pain, inflammation, range of motion and strength. Being proactive with pre-surgical therapy can make the whole experience much better.